Community Involvement


Giving back to our community

Here at Adelia Fine Foods, we understand the importance the local community are to our business. We love to learn, but equally love to share our journey and insights with those we believe could benefit. Sharing our mistakes, wins, stories and ideas with others has helped us build on these relationships with our community and create some amazing collaborations.

Image courtesy of Melissa Lau Photography.


Creating an impact

Feed Me Bellarine
Feed Me Bellarine is a community food group turning leftover food into nutritious meals and delivers to people in need across the Bellarine Peninsula. Their mission is saving food from landfill to connect with and help those that need a hand. For as little or as long as they need. No Questions. No Agendas

How are we involved?
As well as donating any appropriate waste from our own production (e.g. offcuts and excess product), we are volunteering our staff to assist/support with food preparation and cooking of meals on a regular and rotating basis.


Other community involvement

Collaboration with National Breast Cancer Foundation

Working together with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to develop a special Pink Granola with $1 from the sale of every sale donated to the world-class breast cancer research.

Judge for the Geelong Business Excellence Awards

The Geelong Business Excellence Awards is a prestigious and comprehensive program that supports and recognises clever, creative and thriving businesses and business leaders.

Talks to School Groups

Amelia returned to Clonard where she completed her secondary education to talk all things business, innovation and entrepreneurship with the VET Certificate II in Creative Industries class.

Adam has provided an onsite tour and overview of our business to local a number of groups of students from Star of the Sea Primary School in Ocean Grove.

Farm My School


Adelia actively participate in initiatives to promote sustainability outside of our organisation

For example, we recently provided donations and participation in the Farm My School pilot initiative on the Bellarine Peninsula


The Bellarine School of Art (TBSOA)

Adelia Fine Foods were Silver sponsors for the TBSOA offering financial support to help them open to the Bellarine Peninsula community.

Local Community Organisations

Donation of raffle or silent auction prizes to local kindergarten, school and community groups to support their own fundraising efforts


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